About Me

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Since Im not going to go into real life - in Second Life, I am at times, quiet, shy and reserved, at other times, lively, fun and outgoing. Part time model (prefer fetish but will do mainstream c outure too) and keen ponygirl trainer - also a ponygirl and anything else that seems interesting - have probably got an outfit for every occasion, more than one for some. And toys to go with it.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

All Quiet on the Western Front

Ok, I know I have let things go quiet here a bit of late, and for that I apologise. I have been focusing on a few other things, and let's be honest, unless you want to read about how many times I changed my avatar's underwear each day, most of the time I have little to post. Few groundbreaking or earth shattering evets happen.
Sorry, but I really am quite a dull person :)

That said, yesterday, I had a serious arguement with one of my closest RL friends, when a lot of things were said that were hurtful to both parties. I was evil, spiteful, and looking back, yes, even ugly. And I let my temper get the better of me, something I rarely ever do now I have matured a little. Sadly, yesterday that temper scaped unchecked, and resulted in me losing it in such a way I put my foot through a glass pane on my home's front door.

I was lucky, as I was wearing rather sturdy shoes which protected my foot, the door however was not quite so lucky, and so now, I find that I now have to spring for a glazier to fix it. So what benefit did losing my temper gain me?

In short, the answer is nothing. I almost lost my closest and dearest RL friend. I now have the added expense of having to get the door fixed. And because of my own stupid pride, found myself walking to work, rather than sharing the car with my friend. Needless to say a journey that usually takes me 5 minutes by car, took a lot longer this morning, and now I also have blisters.

Thankfully, my friend and I finally put this stupid spat behind us a few hours ago, and we are again the closest of friends. The air between us has cleared a little after slowly building friction over a period of time, and I have accepted that until they can find a new car, they can continue to borrow mine (they work further away from my home than I do - so it seemed fair).

It turns out that just because I say something is fine, it doesn't mean it is. I hate being a passenger in my own car, that still remains true, and we both now are fully aware of it. But friends stick together, and so I will just try to be better than I was yesterday, and wait it out untill they get a new car.

Untill then, I suppose I will be a little grouchy.

So, don;t make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry... and neither will your front door.

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